Saturday 26 February 2011

lets get started

In this day and age of technology, I feel it's about time I really gave this blogging thing a bit of a go.
So firstly welcome to this blog. Feel free to follow on with the updates I hope to actually post.
I admit I attempted this some years ago when I had my first child but soon gave it up as life took motion again.

Let me start with a little about what you can expect from these blogs. I will be posting a great deal  about day to day things I come across, topics ranging from talking about my children through to topics that spark an interest in me like music, television and theories on things in yep can get a little messy on some of those topics. Unfortunately over the years I have learnt that being 100% open and honest doesn't always make you very popular, however i do like to pride myself on providing information that i believe to be correct and will only do this knowing i have substantial evidence to support what i have to say. I'm not sure if this is the way i would have been anyways and just part of my genetic make up or something that has developed over the years after dealing with a family member that was the type of person to argue just for arguments sake.
I hate dealing with people like that. Life can be so much simpler. I guess a few other "types" of people i struggle to understand and tolerate are your general run of the mill "Stupid people" (thank you Bill Engvall), these are the people that struggle with common sense aka Jessica Simpson, and lastly the "victims". I'm sure you know the kinda person I'm talking about. The one that can't see a positive in a situation and everything seems to go wrong for them. They are the unfortunate type that despite all their calls for help and responses received they seem to strangely learn nothing and fall into the same old bad situation. Ohhh I've met my share of all 3 types of these people. Maybe over time I'll get to expand on the lessons i have learnt when dealing with these kinds of people.

So maybe now i could share little background on myself..... I'm a mother to two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.
I grew up in a few small towns, I have now however upgraded to a slightly larger small town, but don't let that lead you to believe that I have not had my fair share of life experiences. Its not just been "argumentative people", "victims" or "stupid people" that i have come across. I have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing parts of my life with some very influential and wonderful people too.
I'm enjoying being settled down where I live now. My partner runs his own business, however I tend to keep myself away from that as it's not exactly the easiest job to do and I prefer him to be my partner not my boss.
Every now and then I will endeavour to go through my numerous photo albums and run through the memories triggered by said photos.

I hope this has been enough information to intrigue you to keep reading. I'm also interested in having questions thrown at me as well. Topics I've had some experience in are raising children as a single parent, relationships, work environments, music tours (ways to earn your backstage pass), difficult and slightly delusional people, becoming a step parent, and I'm always happy to give an opinion, so lets work together and try to make this an enjoyable read for all.

Till the next post stay well...

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